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Цитата группы

"Группы должны выходить и играть, просто обязаны делать это, если хотят что-то из себя представлять"

Джон Шаффер

The Devil To Pay

In July 1863, A nation torn in tragedy
A trick of fate two great armies merge
Gods of war at Gettysburg

Devastation lies ahead
50,000 bodies..litter the land
Hell raises,three full days
The reaper sows,and there's a devil to pay

The pressure's on and the reb's attack
They Yanks must hold, they can't fall back
Just two brigades, 2000 strong
Against 20,000 they can't hold long

General Reynolds makes his way
Expect no mercy from the "Iron Brigade"
Until he shows, they're on their own
But Buford's men have a will of stone

Bayonet's gleam in the morning sun
Smoke & fire belching from their guns
Another volley and again they strike
Thousands more coming down
The Chambersburg pike

The tragedy and what it brings
All the devastation...
Men will kill blood will spill
To preserve the nation

Sound the tone down the "Emmitsburg Road"
The first corps are starting to show
For Buford's men they're here just in time
The desperate need to stregthen the line

Bodies droping, the blue & the grey
Muskets fire and the cannon blaze
The union fight, defending the town
but their outnumbered and losing ground

For they know very well as more Rebel's arrive
Thousands more and the fight multiplies
McPherson's Ridge and the Black Hats Strike
A rebel sharpshooter takes Reynold's life

The tragedy and what it brings
All the devastation...
Men will kill & blood will spill
To preserve the nation

Attack! Attack!
General Lee gives command
They're overwhelemed, the situation demands
The Federals retreat, they'll rush out of town
But they are fortified and save the high ground

The day ends victory for the South
Lee (scales the fence, says) God's will is profound
They are invincible and they're cause is just
but Longstreet is cautious
And lacking in trust..

Across the way, the Union did cheer
The Round Tops Cemetary makes it hard to close in
Their lines are strong, no denying this day
When the Confederates strike, they'll be a Devil to pay

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