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Ближайшие концерты
  • 2013-06-20 - Sankt Goarshausen - Metalfest
  • 2013-06-21 - Dokkum - Dokkem Open Air
  • 2013-06-22 - Dischingen - Rock am Härtsfeldsee
  • 2013-07-08 - Athens - Rockwave Festival
  • 2013-07-12 - Ballenstedt - Rock Harz Open Air
  • 2013-07-13 - Balingen - Bang Your Head Festival
  • 2013-07-25 - Tolmin - Metaldays
  • 2013-07-27 - Obersinn - Eisenwahn Festival
  • 2013-08-08 - Gävle - Getaway Rock Festival
  • 2013-08-10 - Quinta do Ega, Vagos - Vagos Open Air
  • 2014-01-09 - Saarbrücken - Garage
Цитата группы

"Когда я говорю, что мы возвращаемся во всеоружии, то я, блин, не шучу"

Джон Шаффер

Something Wicked (Part 3)

I walk the earth
The wicked one
Baptized in fire
Vindication's only son
Through folds of space and time
I've sown my evil seeds
Till mankind is erased
My last prolific deed

He walks the earth
The wicked one
'I walk the earth'
Injecting our will
Till man's time is done
'Your time is done'
The Watchers Eye
Has sealed your fate
'I've sealed your fate'
Upon your deaths
The Elder wait
'I am the one'

I am your Antichrist
Destroyer of mankind
Forged in sacred flames
My power is divine
I am your coming curse
Hellfire in my eyes
For your crimes on my kind
The human race will die

He walks the earth
The wicked one
'I walk the earth'
Injecting our will
Till man's time is done
'Your time is done'
The Watchers Eye
Has sealed your fate
'I've sealed your fate'
Upon your deaths
The Elder wait
'I am the one'

I'm the one born of flames
Your hatred has brought me to this place
This is a dying world
I'll bring it new life in form of your dread

In the sixth hour
On the sixth day
Of the sixth month
I was born into this world

Now that the wheel's in motion
Unstoppable force, undaunted by your pleas
There's no sympathy in this soul
Just hatred within me

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